Wednesday 8 October 2014

Saga continues- Week 2 and 3

Week 2&3 
Day 1 Mother sauces i enjoyed all there is to know about sauces i especially enjoyed the tomato and  veloute sauce "delish". Chefs demo on sole dugiere was cool.great day.

Day 2 Emulsified sauces tiring on the arms but  i learned how to use a whisk properly chefs demo on poached salmon and hollandise was cool

Day 3 Single and compound salads .Fasinating stuff i will never look at a salad the same again.really enjoyed today.

Chefs poached pears salad

Week 3 
Day 1Classification of soups really enjoyed tastings all the groups soups great effort from all loved the minestrone, afternoon we done boiled eggs i never would have boiled a egg for 10min i will do now.

Day 2 We went out forraging today with the gravy seals.really enjoyable especially the tea and cakes at break. Afternoon we made jam and flavoured some oils from the fruits of our labour.

Day 3 Classification of veg .had my 5 a day.loved the sauted veg the best.
Really enjoying it :)

Week 1 in Immersion Group- Culinary Arts.

I started a course of culinary arts in September 2014,finishing in may 2015. Im looking forward to learning many new skills and recipes. So far I have learned lots from tournage of vegetables to cooking snails escargot .

We started off getting to know each other in our group and I feel I have made many new friends aswell as very professional "chefs" . We started on the 8th of sep so i will start from then

Week 1
Day 1 We started to get to know each others names which  i still get wrong but not as often
 Day 2 One word HACCP riveting stuff afternoon we learned how to prep veg for stock.
Day 3 We learned Basic stock production.its amazing flavour and how its the base for many main course.first week over so enjoyable  learned loads pictures to follow and tune in for next weeks saga